Prep for the Unexpected with a Menstrual Cup

the back of a woman with long blonde hair staring at empty supermarket shelves and an out of stock sign

The last few years gave us all some lessons on the realities of how our supply chains work. Or sometimes don’t work. The 2020 pandemic brought us factory closures, shortages, and panic buying of essential items, including period products like pads and tampons. After the pandemic, people started evaluating whether they felt prepared for any […]

How Menstrual Cups Can Help Your Allergy Woes

woman sitting on a bed in grey dress holding pelvic area which is glowing red indicating discomfort

Menstrual product manufacturers use more materials and chemicals to make pads and tampons than ever before. Unfortunately, becoming allergic to products and brands you’ve used for a long time isn’t uncommon. Symptoms of contact dermatitis from products touching the skin can be very unpleasant and sometimes difficult to identify. Finding yourself with an allergy to a […]

The Real Cost of Buying a Lifetime of Menstrual Products

a wooden desk with a bright pink piggy bank wearing glasses and a large calculator on top of t

Even before the recent spikes in inflation and supply chain issues, the cost of menstrual products was already very high. As of 2021, recent studies showed that the average amount we spend on menstrual products during a cycle is $20. For most women, menstruation lasts an average of about 40 years. Using those price points, […]

Are Menstrual Cups Really a New Trend?

close up of table with 2 menstrual cups, one pink and one purple and some sanitary pads in the background

If you’ve been hearing from more and more people about switching to menstrual cups in the past few years, you might be wondering if it’s just the latest trend. Until recently, many people had never heard of menstrual cups. If they had, they immediately had worries about this ‘new’ idea of ditching pads and tampons. […]

Why You Might Still Fear Menstrual Cups

hand holding a menstrual cup with flowers in it, against a pink background

As humans, we’re creatures of habit. We find great comfort in things we know and that are familiar to us. This preference for the same old, same old, affects every part of our lives; from the groceries we buy, the places we go, and the activities we will or won’t take part in. This can be […]