The Environmental Cost of Periods: Menstrual Cups Can Help

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All disposable products go through a long and complicated journey before reaching us. That continues after we throw them away. They are only with us for a short time, but in many cases we use plastic that remains in the world forever. We use and dispose of billions of pads and tampons every year. The benefits of switching to reusable options, like menstrual cups for our periods, save a lot more than just landfill and environmental hazards. They also provide us with benefits for our health, convenience, and wallets. 

The problem starts with manufacturing, not landfill

two garbage men emptying a garbage can into the back of a garbage truck

Many people believe the problem with disposable pads and tampons starts when they throw them away, where they end up in a landfill. The birth of this problem started way before that. When we transport the plastics, cotton, chemicals, and fragrances, we use energy. We expend a huge amount of energy has before anything resembling a tampon or pad is seen. 

Next is the manufacturing process. It not only uses energy, but it produces waste, gasses, and toxins into the world. Like most products for sale, snazzy packaging is necessary to entice customers, which needs to be manufactured, printed, and shipped.

Transportation is next

After a busy manufacturing process, we transport our pads and tampons, often across entire oceans. First, on oil-guzzling ships, then they are sent to warehouses and distribution centers via trucks. Finally, they make their final journey to individual pharmacies and supermarkets. 

close up of black woman driving truck wearing construction vest and hat

At this point, they have covered more travel miles than many of us will in our lifetimes. Doesn’t it seem like a lot of resources and hassle for a product we dispose of after a few hours of use? It made sense to do things this way until we had clean, convenient, and innovative alternatives. Now we have these in abundance. 

The final destination is the landfill

At the end of their journey, disposable pads and tampons join the 140 million tons of landfill we produce each year in the USA. In the grand scheme, the amount of landfill we create with menstrual products is small compared to other garbage we produce. But a lot of it is preventable now that we have other options. 

The future is here: Menstrual cups are a game changer

The last few years have seen an explosion of innovation in menstrual care. Finally, we are realizing that reusable menstrual options are healthier and cheaper. They also cut down on huge amounts of manufacturing. With a lifespan of up to 10 years, a menstrual cup saves resources, environmental damage, and money.

Capd Period is taking menstrual cups to the next level

a red menstrual cups on a cream pouch with red ties, against a green background
Menstrual cup – shutterstock

Hypoallergenic and made with medical-grade silicone, you can now take your period health into your own hands by avoiding harsh chemicals, dyes, and fragrances we often find in disposable products. At CapdPeriod we created CapdCup to exceed the expectations of menstrual cups. With a wear time of up to 12 hours, you can empty CapdCup without removing it. This gives you maximum freedom and convenience during the day. 

So many of our daily habits are linked to manufacturing and energy use that harms the environment and often our health. It’s time to take notice of all the new innovations in menstrual care and how our lives and world might be better with them. 

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