Can a Teenager Use a Menstrual Cup?

teenage girl sitting on bed holding menstrual cup

A menstrual cup provides many advantages over pads and tampons for your period flow needs. Lasting up to 10 years each, they are still the most cost-effective option. Over time, they save large amounts of trash from being added to our already brimming landfills. The earlier in your menstrual journey, you switch to a menstrual […]

Are Menstrual Cups Still the Most Sustainable Option?

hand holding a clear glass globe with a small tree growing from it. background of blurred green trees.

When trying our best to make choices to help the environment, sometimes it feels like an uphill battle, as we don’t always feel in control of the results. We can do our part by trying to make decisions with intention. Reducing our purchasing and what we send to the landfill regularly is something everyone can […]

Can You Exercise Wearing a Menstrual Cup?

woman wearing orange sweater black pants and orange sneakers doing squats on outside stairs by the ocean

Exercise during your period is a personal choice. Everyone has a unique relationship with activity in an average week, and each period has a different flow and symptoms. For some people, hitting the gym or yoga studio during a period feels impossible. For others, movement is invigorating, and they hate being out of their regular […]

How Menstrual Cups Can Help College Life

young woman smiling with afro curly hair standing by moving boxes as she moves into a white painted college dorm

Moving to go to college is a life-changing and exciting step along your journey. Away from the comforts and routines of home, you can start establishing your own way of doing things. It can feel overwhelming at first to be in control of remembering everything if you never were before. Getting into a routine with […]

Can You Go Swimming In a Menstrual Cup?

woman with long hair in swimming pool leaning on the side looking content with eyes closed smelling a flower that's held in her hand

Whether you’re an avid fan of swimming, planning a sunny vacation, or just musing about changing your menstrual care, the question of whether you can swim in a menstrual cup is bound to come up. The answer, in short, is yes. You can go swimming while wearing a menstrual cup. There are a lot of […]

A Menstrual Cup: The Backpacking Hack

behind a young woman wearing a backpack sitting in the front of a canoe boat looking out to the view of the river and mountains and greenery at either side

A backpacking adventure across a new city, country, or continent can be an unforgettable experience. About 45 million backpacking trips are taken each year. You might take a gap year after college to explore the world or are older and ready to shake things up. Being on the road with your backpack helps you smash […]

Period Poverty: Can a Menstrual Cup Help?

close up of a stack of wrapped sanitary pads on a wooden table next to a stack of coins

 Period poverty is a term most often used to describe a situation where people can’t afford or access menstrual products like sanitary pads and tampons. Because having a clean and healthy period requires more than just the ability to absorb blood, not having access to toilets, washing facilities, and disposal is also part of period […]

How to Get Great Sleep on Your Period

young woman face laid back in comfortable bed sleeping wearing a black sleep mask

Bleeding during a period is only one of the symptoms that come along during the menstrual cycle. A few items in the long list of symptoms include cramping, bloating, pain, headaches, anxiety, mood changes, diarrhea, and depression, among others. Difficulty sleeping, with both quantity and quality, is a big problem for many people during their […]

Menstrual Cups: A Step Towards Minimalism

young women with natural long afro hair standing in a white v neck sweater against a plain tan colored background

Living a minimal life isn’t all about throwing away our things and living in a plain white space with no furniture. In most cases, practicing minimalism only involves cutting down on some of the clutter in your home and improving routines to free up time. For people who want to simplify their life this way, […]

Prep for the Unexpected with a Menstrual Cup

the back of a woman with long blonde hair staring at empty supermarket shelves and an out of stock sign

The last few years gave us all some lessons on the realities of how our supply chains work. Or sometimes don’t work. The 2020 pandemic brought us factory closures, shortages, and panic buying of essential items, including period products like pads and tampons. After the pandemic, people started evaluating whether they felt prepared for any […]